End Stage Liver Cancer Symptoms And Signs

End Stage Liver Cancer Symptoms and Signs

End stage liver cancer symptoms and signs - Physical symptoms within two to three months ago life, this information is written for people who are suffering from cancer but can also be useful for people who care, love and support to loved ones during the advanced state of there with this disease. This information can help you find answers to your questions and your concerns at times a delicate and difficult.

Below are listed some of the things that a person usually occurs when the time of his death approaching. We also try to offer some practical advice on what can be done to help keep these symptoms under control. End stage liver cancer symptoms and signs - Make sure you tell your health care team about how to continue your health. Do not assume it is normal to feel bad or live with the discomfort. Often there are ways to help you feel better.

End Stage Liver Cancer Symptoms and Signs: Fatigue

Saul, 60, with advanced cancer: "I feel like the engine has lost its power. It seems like you have the energy to just make only one or two small things and nothing else, having spent my power for the day. I'm tired of being tired, which is very disappointing. " See also: Liver Cancer Life Expectancy Without Treatment

Fatigue is a feeling of physical weakness, mental and emotional. Fatigue associated with cancer is often defined as extreme fatigue that is not relieved by rest. Almost all people with advanced cancer have this symptom.

What can be done to overcome the fatigue? To deal with fatigue, first, you need to control the symptoms that aggravate it, such as pain or constipation. Then, you can also prevent more carefully Balance rest with activity. your health care team and caregivers health they can help you find a way to control this problem can cause fatigue severe. Tell them how you feel and try other alternatives to see if they are useful in relieving the fatigue.

End stage liver cancer symptoms and signs - Some medications can also make you feel tired. You may need to discuss with your health care team about changing drugs or taking them at different times. You can also stop taking drugs that are not useful or no longer needed.

Take care of your safety during physical activity. If you feel you do not have a balance while standing, make sure you have support when walking. You may feel more secure if you have a walker or wheelchair. the doctor or hospice care team can help you get the equipment needed to have more comfort and security.

Plan activities around the times when you feel better and have the most energy. Sit outdoors, listen to music, take a leisurely drive, spending time watching how the food is prepared; the hardships and sensory stimulation can help relieve fatigue.

Some people find it useful to use the (toilet) laptop toilet next to the bed because in this way it saves the effort of traveling to or from the bathroom. Schedule rest breaks to get out of bed so that you can restore energy while remaining seated (a) in it. Take short rest periods during the activity, and have a chair around.

You can find some people afraid to sleep for fear that they will no longer wake up. This is the fear of the natural and very real. Need more time to sleep is normal during the last months of life. The estrangement of people, drawback and concentrate on yourself (a) and talk less are also common at this time. While some people want to surround themselves with family and friends, others choose to have an environment that is quiet, safe and noiseless. Watch (a) on what body you want. Tell others what you want and save your energy for the things or people most important to you. Focus on maximizing every moment is the right way to channel their anxieties and fears.

End Stage Liver Cancer Symptoms and Signs: Pain

Juan, 47: "I need the morphine to do the things I want to do. As long as you stay on top of the bed I feel good and not painful, but do not want to spend the rest of the time is lying! ".

Patients with cancer often fear pain more than anything else. Have pain can make you feel angry, sleep, reduce your appetite and lose their focus, among other things. But the pain can be controlled with the help of professionals who are experts in it. It is important to know that pain does not have to be a part of death. If you feel pain, it is very important to discuss with your health care team. They should understand that their pain is whatever you say, and you can expect your pain can be controlled. You and your team must work together to reduce suffering, relieve pain and improve their quality of life. See also: Symptoms of Liver Cancer in Females.

Your health care team will consult with you to determine how often pain is necessary. It is important to keep them abreast of all changes in pain and other symptoms. They need you to tell them how each plan for pain control work. Don't be disappointed if your drugs sometimes need to be modified to achieve control pain better with less side effects. You may want to ask the health care team to refer you to a specialist if the pain is not possible to control the pain.

Describe your pain as much detail as possible, including: It feels like? How to feel pain? How long? When the pain began? What makes it even better? And what makes it worse?

The tracks keep the pain and all of this information can be useful. Often your health care team will ask you to describe your pain using a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being the highest level of pain that we can imagine and 0 is no pain at all. Using the pain scale this is also useful to describe the effects that measure taken to fight it. You can get a diary of pain control and more information about pain management online or contact us to request a free copy.

These types of painkillers: The nurse or doctor will assess your pain and determine the level or average level of pain you are experiencing. Today it has a lot of painkillers different from acetaminophen (Tylenol®) for opiates (morphine-like drugs).

There are also various forms of pain medication such as action opioids extended-release and used all the time. Drugs long-acting always strive to maintain the level of the blood, which helps to keep the pain manageable that level for a long period of time. drug rescue immediate action can be used to quickly control the pain.

Opioid analgesics exists in various forms and can be administered fun and interesting. Patches are glued on the skin, dragees or lozenges (not immediately swallowed), a pill placed under the tongue and even suppositories can be used when necessary.

Sometimes the pain is too intense can be controlled more effectively with the pump delivering the drug either under the skin (subcutaneously) or through a vein (intravenous). If you need this type of pain control, you can still receive it at home.

It is common for someone who has cancer taking more than one medication to control chronic pain and a new pain appeared. Also, some people need a dose of opioid which is higher than the other. Don't worry if you find that you take a lot of drugs. This has nothing to do with who can not stand the pain, also does not mean that you are a person who likes to complain. Bodies some people need less medication, while others require more until the pain to remain under control.

With the passage of time, you can also see who need higher doses of analgesics because they no longer work as they once did. This is because the body has become immune to the medication now you fill a small effect. The need to increase the dose of your medication does not mean you will die soon. In fact, there is evidence that pain relief is not adequate can speed up the death.

Sometimes other medications can be used. For example, antidepressants or anticonvulsants (drugs to control seizures) often working with the good terminal of the nerve pain. Steroids can be used to help with some types of pain, such as caused by swelling or inflammation. These drugs are often given in conjunction with opioids.

Signs that the person feels sick: If the patient cannot communicate pain you may be experiencing the guardians of their health, there are signs that they can see that they indicate the presence of pain or discomfort. Part of the pain signals note include: (1) breath can be heard: agitated, breath sharply or quickly, (2) listen to the expressions of pain: moans, groans or Lamentations, (3) facial expressions: sadness, stress, fear, anger or crying, (4) Body Language: tension, clenched fists, knees stiff, spasms, agitation or action that seems to want to escape the area where it is a pain, (5) body movement: change the position of the search for comfort is not successful

Be able to identify this and receive the pain medication is useful for caregivers to provide adequate care that gives the patient the best comfort.

Other ways to help reduce the pain caused by cancer: With some types of pain, doctors can do special procedures such as a blockage in the terminal nerve, radiation treatments targeted and even surgery for pain control. If your pain is not well controlled, it can be that your doctor refers you to a specialist in pain management. this expert can have different options to help.

Medications and medical procedures are not the only way to relieve your pain. There are other things you can do. Some people find distractions like music, movies, conversation or game. Using heat, cold, or massage the area causing the pain may be useful. exercise and meditation can help relieve pain and reduce anxiety in some people. Note that these steps only for most people with the pain associated with cancer, is not enough to handle the pain, but it can help improve your comfort when used with painkillers.

End Stage Liver Cancer Symptoms and Signs: Changes in appetite

Margarita, 34: "I can not just eat, but I know I need to do to survive. husband and children I am not so desperate when sometimes I scare myself to not feel like eating. I want to, but I can't. "

From time to time, your body seems to be deteriorating. You may feel that fatigue is greater, or may feel that the pain is getting worse. You may feel more withdrawn (a) and this causes you to eat less and lose weight. This is the most common in recent months, but it may be the beginning of a battle between you and your loved ones.

To have a mobility less, you have less energy, less hungry and therefore less desire to eat. Stop food feel pleasing to the senses of smell and taste. It seems you feel early satiety and reduces the food that you want to take. As this occurs, the cancer cells can compete with normal cells for nutrients body you still manage to swallow.

Avoid wrangling with the relatives for the food: It can be very annoying to your family see that you eat less. For them, their interest in food can represent their interests in life. Refuse food for your family may seem that you choose to reduce their life expectancy. May the family take ownership and think you want to go now, or which seeks to accelerate his death (although not conscious).

It is important that you and your loved ones talk about these issues. The last months of his life did not have to deal with food fights. Lost appetite and could not eat that happens to most cancer patients before death. It is common in the last months of life that some part of your body starts to slow down and eventually turned off. Who do not have the desire to eat it should not be seen as a sign that he wants to stop living, or who wants to leave his family. This is normal in the process of death. Explain to your loved ones who greatly appreciate the efforts to feed him and understand that making signs of love. Tell them that you do not refuse his love, but your body is limiting the nutrients that are needed.

Your body is undergoing changes that have a direct impact on your appetite. Changes in taste and smell, dry mouth, changes in the stomach and intestines, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation are just some of the things that inhibit their ability to eat. Side effects of medications, stress, and distress spiritual factors also which can cause a lack of appetite.

Among the causes can be controlled with medical treatment. For example, it is possible to provide nutritional support through suggestions about how to make the most of every bite, or with drinks or nutritional supplements. There are also medications that can stimulate appetite, reduce nausea and help move food into the stomach more quickly. It may surprise you to see who can bring back to eat with the others at the table. You may be able to have smaller, more frequent feeding or frequent snacks throughout the day compared with three common dishes. These steps can work for some people but not useful for most people who are close to death. (Read "When the face of death"). In a variety of advanced level, this effort also can cause a person to feel worse.

It is important to recognize changes in appetite so that you can get help when needed. Check with your health care team about how much you have been eating and whether you need to take action.

Difficulty breathing: Enrique, 78: "My difficulty in breathing I think that this attack will not end and that this is the way he will die." Simply thinking about breathing problems can be scary. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath is common in people with advanced cancer but can be addressed during the end of life.

You may feel shortness of breath or have a need to breathe faster and more powerful than usual. It can be that feels as if there is little fluid in his lungs causing the cough urge. Often these symptoms come and go. Tell your health care team if you are having trouble breathing so that you can receive help from them.

You can take several steps to facilitate breathing: Sit in an upright position, Leaning use a pillow, Lying on the table, Sometimes oxygen is delivered through a small tube under the nose alleviate most symptoms. Opioid analgesics may be effective in reducing shortness of breath and relax your breathing. If there is fluid in your lungs, you can administer drugs to slow down their accumulation. Sometimes opening the window, the room temperature is cooler, or have a fan in front of his face will help you feel less anxious to receive the air. They can teach breathing techniques and relaxation when experiencing breathing problems. Medications to reduce anxiety can help you worry less about the shortness of breath.

Many people with cancer worry this problem worse as the disease progresses. There are steps that can be taken to control each of the changes in their situation that can treat every problem. Such as pain, a team of professionals serving your health will be able to help you with the breathing problems you.