Testicular Cancer Medical Definition

Testicular Cancer Medical Definition

Testicular cancer definition - Testicular cancer is a type of cancer that develops in male testicles. Testicles are part of the male scrotum of gonads. It serves to produce and store sperm, and also participated in the endocrine system to function as a production of testosterone. Testicular cancer is the development of a malignant tumor derived from one of the testicles. Testicular cancer affects not only adult males, but also 25-year-olds can develop the disease.

Cancer usually occurs in the testicles. Less than 5% of cases occur in both testicles. Usually, if the second testicular cancer occurs, two tumors are detected at different times. Cancer occurs when normal cells change and begin to grow and multiply without conventional control. About 1 out of 263 men develop testicular cancer. This disease usually occurs at the age of 30-35 years. In rare cases that would occur in adolescence and those over 50. The uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that produce a mass called the tumor. Some tumors may increase quickly or slowly, depending on the person.

Dangerous tumors, as they copleșesc healthy tissue, invade oxygen and nutrients it needs to perform their normal functions. Not all tumors are cancerous. Tumors are considered cancerous if they are malignant. This means that if the tumor is not treated and stopped, the tumor will spread to other parts of the body. Tumors are benign because their cells do not spread to other organs.

Tumor malignancy can spread in nearby structures, usually lymph nodes. They attack and attack healthy tissues, weaken the function of the lymph nodes and eventually destroy it. Testicular cancer definition - The most common location for the spread of testicular cancer are lymph nodes near the kidneys and lymph nodes of the peritoneum. It can also spread in the lungs, liver and rarely to the brain. Metastatic cancer that develops in the testicles is relatively difficult to treat compared to benign tumors, but has a very high healing rate if detected early.

Testicular cancer is not contagious and can be completely cured. For testicular cancer metastases, the success rate is greater than 73%. Testicular cancer definition - Depending on the stage and level of metastatic cancer, the healing rate can be up to 99%. Testicular cancer may include one or more different types of tumor cells. These types are based on the type of cell from which the tumor appears. At present, the most common is the germ cell carcinoma. This tumor occurs from cells that form sperm from the testicles. Rare testers include tumor Leydig cells, tumor cells Sertoli, primary neoplasms (PNET), Leiomyosarcomas, but mostly mesothelioma. Testicular cancer definition - There are two types of stem cell tumors: Seminome and Nonseminomas.

What Are The Risk Factors for Testicular Cancer?

The cause of testicular cancer is unknown. However, studies show that there are a number of factors that may increase the risk of malaria. Flatulența (latent testicles): usually the testicles descend into the scrotum before birth. Men with descended testicles in the scrotum more likely to have testicular cancer, even though they have undergone surgery to remove the testicles in the scrotum. Unusual development in the province: Men with testicular anomalies are also an increased risk of developing cancer. Klinefelter syndrome: Men with Klinefelter syndrome (a sexually transmitted disease that is characterized by a low level of male hormones, infertility, large breasts and testicles) have an increased risk of testicular cancer is higher. History of testicular cancer: men who had previously cancer in a testicle party at higher risk for testicular cancer.

How to diagnose testicular cancer? Testicular cancer to find the cause of symptoms, the doctor must assess the general condition of the patient. Doctors should also check and appoint a number of exploratory tests. If a cancer patient is suspected, the doctor may prescribe a biopsy for surgical removal of the testicles.

Blood tests were performed to measure the concentrations of tumour markers that are usually higher than normal levels of cancer. Tumour markers such as alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), the Chorionic genital substance (HCG) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) may help detect tumors too small to be detected by clinical guess or diagnostic image.

Ultrasound is a diagnostic test that uses high-frequency sound waves to attack tissues and organs. The Ultrasonic sound makes ultrasound images. The scrotum can see the tumor and can measure the size of the tumor in the testicles. Ultrasound also removes other diseases of the testicles, such as swelling caused by infection. Biopsy. Testicular microscopy is the only safe way to determine the presence of cancer. In most cases, the entire testicular channel is lost through the inguinal canal. This procedure is called inguinal testicular dissection.

In rare cases (e.g. when a man has a single testicle), the surgeon performs a leg biopsy, take samples of testicular tissue through an incision in the abdomen and the testicular Cut continues if the surgeon found the cancer cells. (The surgeon does not open the scrotum to the network, as this may cause the disease to spread.) If testicular cancer is present, further tests should be carried out to determine whether cancer has spread. Not determining the disease stage helps doctors to plan for proper treatment.

Do you have a follow-up? What's a follow-up visit? And there are clinical trials for patients with testicular cancer? Regular follow-up visits are extremely important for patients with testicular cancer treated. Testicular cancer definition - Like all kinds of cancer, testicular cancer can occur again. Patients with testicular cancer should see a doctor on a regular basis and must immediately report abnormal symptoms. Subsequent tests may vary depending on the type and stage of testicular cancer. Often patients are regularly monitored by doctors and periodic blood tests carried out to measure the concentration of tumor markers. Patients were also examined for x-rays and periodic tomography. Patients with testicular cancer have a higher risk of developing cancers in the testicles. These patients also pose a high risk for certain types of blood cancer and other types of cancer. Regular monitoring helps to find anomalies due to health status and early detection of recurrent cancer for immediate treatment.

Giving participation in clinical trials is an important choice for many patients with testicular cancer. To improve the care of new and more effective treatments, the United States National Cancer Institute finances clinical trials in many hospitals and centers throughout the country. Clinical trials are an important step in finding new treatments. Before recommending the new treatment, the doctor should conduct clinical trials to assess the safety and effectiveness of care for patients.