Multiple Myeloma Lab Values

Multiple myeloma labs - Kahler disease is a form of cancer where plasma cells begin to grow uncontrollably in the bone marrow. Bone marrow is a weak substance inside our bones (especially in the vertebrae, ribs, pelvis, and sternum). It is the production of red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells. There are different types of white blood cells. This includes plasma cells. When plasma cells become cancerous cells, multiple myeloma or Kahler disease is spoken.
Multiple Myeloma Labs

The normal function of plasma cells in the body is the production of antibodies (proteins that defend the body against infections). Multiple myeloma labs: When this plasma cell becomes a cancerous cell, in most cases it also produces an abnormal protein that can be found in the blood or urine.

Multiple Myeloma Lab Values

Normal bone marrow cells are covered over time by plasma cells. As a result, anemia (due to lack of red blood cells), the risk of infection, and tendency to rare bleeding (due to lack of platelets) may occur. Waking cells also affect normal bone tissue, giving rise to weak spots in the skeleton. These cause the main symptom of the disease, i.e. bone pain, and are generally good at radiographs or scan images.
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The Stichting Cancer register registered in Belgium 762 new cases of multiple myeloma or Kahler disease. The disease affects more than one woman (450 new diagnoses) than women (312 new diagnoses) and occurs especially after (more than 60 years).

Prevent: You cannot avoid getting cancer, but you can do some things to reduce the risk of the disease: healthy eating and moving, wise handling the sun and not smoking. Other possible carcinogenic substances are also covered: asbestos, fine dust, disrupting substances.

Investigations: The following complaints or symptoms may indicate multiple myeloma: pain, bleeding tendency, frequent infections, kidney function problems (protein deposition can compromise the filter function of the kidney) and a too high calcium content in the blood (by bone) with symptoms such as decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting and sometimes confusion. However, these symptoms do not always indicate cancer: there are many other diseases with similar symptoms. If you come to your GP with one or more of the aforementioned complaints, they will first examine you physically. Then he or she will probably present an exploratory blood and urine research.

Multiple Myeloma Lab Values

If necessary, your GP will refer you to a hematologist. This specialist will do more extensive research to ascertain whether the symptoms are caused by multiple myeloma.

Multiple myeloma lab values - Additional research usually begins with a more extensive blood analysis and a bone marrow examination. The bone marrow examination requires a puncture and a biopsy. A puncture is removed from the sternum or the edge of the pelvis with a needle bone marrow, for a biopsy, a piece of bone is taken from the pelvic edge. Of course, these investigations happen under local anesthesia. In a myeloma, more than 10% of sick plasma cells are usually found. Bone marrow research is also necessary to examine the chromosomes or the genetic material of the plasma cells. From this, you can get important information about the progress of the disease.

See also: Multiple Myeloma Survival Rate After Stem Cell Transplant

The first research orientation of the bone is often done with a classical x-ray but coupled with a CT or MRI scan. In a CT scan (computed tomography), very detailed X-rays of the body are taken. A MR scan or MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) is a scan in which a strong magnet images of the internal body are made. Both scans can detect changes in the structure and accurately measure the number of musculo and their size.

Stages: On the basis of the studies described above, the doctor may determine the stage of the disease. For multiple myeloma, there are two different staging systems:
  • The Salmon and Denis classification: one takes into account whether or not anemia is present, the calcium values, the skeletal impairment, the amount of abnormal protein in the blood and/or urine and kidney function. This classification is not often used more"
  • The International Staging System (ISS): A more modern approach, using the value of two special proteins (the Beta-2-microglobulin and albumin) to assess the severity of the myeloma.
  • In both cases, three stages are differentiated. They are marked with Roman numerals from I (early stage) to III (advanced stage) and are important for the prognosis.

In addition, the genetic research of the sick plasma cells is also an important test to predict the course of the disease.